IT Governance Processes


IT governance and management considers best practices for aligning IT strategic objectives with the organizational ones. However, there is a lack of methodologies and tools to measure and control the effectiveness of IT governance and management to assess and assure the effective use of IT in the organizations.

The goal of this project is to define and evaluate mechanisms and software tools to measure and assess the daily IT-related execution and decision taking activities, the evaluation and treatment of operational IT risks, and the control and accountable activities of IT-related decisions for evolving the business.

The focus of this research is on defining measurement processes and simulation environments to control IT governance and management activities.

This project is supported by the following research areas:

  • Process-oriented governance, risks and compliance
  • Business process innovation
  • IT control and governance
  • IT service management
  • IT value delivery and investment
  • Risk management
  • Enterprise architectures
  • Project management
  • Maturity and capacity models
  • Quality assurance

 Diagnostic of IT Governance in Logistics and Transportation Industry:

This research aims to understand and characterize the Logistics and Transportation industry in terms of the IT governance elements: decisions, responsibilities, mechanisms, impact on business, and related management domains. 

In several investigations the Center for Information Systems Research, CISR, MIT (Weill 2002), (Weill & Woodham 2002) (Weill & Ross 2004), found that in top companies, IT spending is 4.2 % of annual income, which creates the need to define where government schemes specified benchmarks for appropriate use of IT within the organization, including topics ranging from investment, policies and principles, as well as infrastructure and applications, among others.

Colombia starts 2010 ranked 72 in the Logistics Performance Index compiled by the World Bank, 10 places higher compared to 2007.  The country's economy demands new systems of freight logistics to improve competitiveness.

In 2006, 161 million tons transported nationwide, representing a growth of 2.4% since 2005. Between 2000 and 2006 the number of tons moved nationally grew by an average annual 6.8%, in line with the behavior of the number of units for road transport (6.9%), railways (30.9%) and sea (0.2%). However, the number of units for air transport decreased by an average of 3.9% annually over the same period 1.

This research arises from the need to investigate the government information technology (IT) companies in a sector that has been growing in recent years, but still needs a push to grow its economy. The area chosen is the logistics and transport because it is represented by both multinational and national companies. In multinational governance practices are followed from a headquarters or regional, while domestic firms struggle daily to find a position in the Latin American market and leveraged information technology.

1.Corficolombiana, Informe Sectorial,Investigaciones Económicas,Sector Transporte,Junio 2008,Obtenido el 14 de Febrero de:

Main results:

  • Technical report consolidating the state of the art and the identified issues related to IT governance and management.
  • Document with research proposals

IT Governance Processes


 Oscar Fernando Gonzalez Rojas





 Simulation, validation, measurement, and innovation of processes related to IT governance and management

  • Models and tools for measuring the organizational performance based on IT
  • Measuring the impact of operational risks in terms of information technology and its related processes.
  • Monitoring and measuring the maturity level in information security, IT human resources, data, applications, infrastructure, and enterprise architecture.
  • Models of IT governance for new IT trends as Cloud Computing.
  • Models and tools for monitoring and controlling IT-related decisions.
  • Performance evaluation of IT governance processes to estimate the cost for using IT and to ensure the effective use of IT for business growth and flexibility.
  • Prioritization mechanisms of IT risks in terms of impact and investment capacity.

IT and organizational complexity modeling

  • Evaluation of strategies to remove the complexity of IT management
  • Evaluation of the use and trends of information technologies for supporting different business models

Current Members
  • Michel Kuperman G(ma.kuperman576)
Former Members
  • Daniel Lopez Monsalve(Master Student)